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2The ``io.shengBTE`` module provides functions for reading and writing data
3files in shengBTE format.
6import numpy as np
7from itertools import product
8from collections import namedtuple
9from ..core.structures import Supercell
10import hiphive
13def read_shengBTE_fc3(filename, prim, supercell, symprec=1e-5):
14 """Reads third-order force constants file in shengBTE format.
16 Parameters
17 ----------
18 filename : str
19 input file name
20 prim : ase.Atoms
21 primitive cell for the force constants
22 supercell : ase.Atoms
23 supercell onto which to map force constants
24 symprec : float
25 structural symmetry tolerance
27 Returns
28 -------
29 fcs : ForceConstants
30 third order force constants for the specified supercell
31 """
33 raw_sheng = _read_raw_sheng(filename)
35 sheng = _raw_to_fancy(raw_sheng, prim.cell)
37 fcs = _sheng_to_fcs(sheng, prim, supercell, symprec)
39 return fcs
42def write_shengBTE_fc3(filename, fcs, prim, symprec=1e-5, cutoff=np.inf,
43 fc_tol=1e-8):
44 """Writes third-order force constants file in shengBTE format.
46 Parameters
47 -----------
48 filename : str
49 input file name
50 fcs : ForceConstants
51 force constants; the supercell associated with this object must be
52 based on prim
53 prim : ase.Atoms
54 primitive configuration (must be equivalent to structure used in the
55 shengBTE calculation)
56 symprec : float
57 structural symmetry tolerance
58 cutoff : float
59 all atoms in cluster must be within this cutoff
60 fc_tol : float
61 if the absolute value of the largest entry in a force constant is less
62 than fc_tol it will not be written
63 """
65 sheng = _fcs_to_sheng(fcs, prim, symprec, cutoff, fc_tol)
67 raw_sheng = _fancy_to_raw(sheng)
69 _write_raw_sheng(raw_sheng, filename)
72def _read_raw_sheng(filename):
73 """ Read shengBTE fc3 file.
75 Parameters
76 ----------
77 filename : str
78 input file name
80 Returns
81 -------
82 list
83 list with shengBTE block entries, where an entry consist of
84 [i, j, k, cell_pos2, cell_pos3, fc3]
85 """
86 lines_per_fc_block = 32
88 fc3_data_shengBTE = []
89 with open(filename, 'r') as f:
90 lines = f.readlines()
91 num_fcs = int(lines[0])
92 lind = 2
93 for i in range(1, num_fcs+1):
94 # sanity check
95 assert int(lines[lind]) == i, (int(lines[lind]), i)
97 # read cell poses
98 cell_pos2 = np.array([float(fld) for fld in lines[lind+1].split()])
99 cell_pos3 = np.array([float(fld) for fld in lines[lind+2].split()])
101 # read basis indices
102 i, j, k = (int(fld) for fld in lines[lind+3].split())
104 # read fc
105 fc3_ijk = np.zeros((3, 3, 3))
106 for n in range(27):
107 x, y, z = [int(fld) - 1 for fld in lines[lind+4+n].split()[:3]]
108 fc3_ijk[x, y, z] = float(lines[lind+4+n].split()[-1])
110 # append entry
111 entry = [i, j, k, cell_pos2, cell_pos3, fc3_ijk]
112 fc3_data_shengBTE.append(entry)
113 lind += lines_per_fc_block
115 return fc3_data_shengBTE
118_ShengEntry = namedtuple('Entry', ['site_0', 'site_1', 'site_2', 'pos_1',
119 'pos_2', 'fc', 'offset_1', 'offset_2'])
122def _raw_to_fancy(raw_sheng, cell):
123 """
124 Converts force constants as read from shengBTE file to the namedtuple
125 format defined above (_ShengEntry).
126 """
127 sheng = []
128 for raw_entry in raw_sheng:
129 p1, p2 = raw_entry[3:5]
130 offset_1 = np.linalg.solve(cell.T, p1).round(0).astype(int)
131 offset_2 = np.linalg.solve(cell.T, p2).round(0).astype(int)
132 entry = _ShengEntry(*(i - 1 for i in raw_entry[:3]), *raw_entry[3:],
133 offset_1, offset_2)
134 sheng.append(entry)
135 return sheng
138def _fancy_to_raw(sheng):
139 """
140 Converts force constants namedtuple format defined above (_ShengEntry) to
141 format used for writing shengBTE files.
142 """
143 raw_sheng = []
144 for entry in sheng:
145 raw_entry = list(entry[:6])
146 raw_entry[0] += 1
147 raw_entry[1] += 1
148 raw_entry[2] += 1
149 raw_sheng.append(raw_entry)
151 return raw_sheng
154def _write_raw_sheng(raw_sheng, filename):
155 """ See corresponding read function. """
157 with open(filename, 'w') as f:
158 f.write('{}\n\n'.format(len(raw_sheng)))
160 for index, fc3_row in enumerate(raw_sheng, start=1):
161 i, j, k, cell_pos2, cell_pos3, fc3_ijk = fc3_row
163 f.write('{:5d}\n'.format(index))
165 f.write((3*'{:14.10f} '+'\n').format(*cell_pos2))
166 f.write((3*'{:14.10f} '+'\n').format(*cell_pos3))
167 f.write((3*'{:5d}'+'\n').format(i, j, k))
169 for x, y, z in product(range(3), repeat=3):
170 f.write((3*' {:}').format(x+1, y+1, z+1))
171 f.write(' {:14.10f}\n'.format(fc3_ijk[x, y, z]))
172 f.write('\n')
175def _fcs_to_sheng(fcs, prim, symprec, cutoff, fc_tol):
176 """ Produces a list containing fcs in shengBTE format
178 prim and fcs.supercell must be aligned.
179 """
181 supercell = Supercell(fcs.supercell, prim, symprec)
182 assert all(fcs.supercell.pbc) and all(prim.pbc)
184 n_atoms = len(supercell)
186 D = fcs.supercell.get_all_distances(mic=False, vector=True)
187 D_mic = fcs.supercell.get_all_distances(mic=True, vector=True)
188 M = np.eye(n_atoms, dtype=bool)
189 for i in range(n_atoms):
190 for j in range(i + 1, n_atoms):
191 M[i, j] = (np.allclose(D[i, j], D_mic[i, j], atol=symprec, rtol=0)
192 and np.linalg.norm(D[i, j]) < cutoff)
193 M[j, i] = M[i, j]
195 data = {}
196 for a0 in supercell:
197 for a1 in supercell:
198 if not M[a0.index, a1.index]:
199 continue
200 for a2 in supercell:
201 if not (M[a0.index, a2.index] and M[a1.index, a2.index]):
202 continue
204 offset_1 = np.subtract(a1.offset, a0.offset)
205 offset_2 = np.subtract(a2.offset, a0.offset)
207 sites = (,,
209 key = sites + tuple(offset_1) + tuple(offset_2)
211 ijk = (a0.index, a1.index, a2.index)
213 fc = fcs[ijk]
215 if key in data:
216 assert np.allclose(data[key], fc, atol=fc_tol)
217 else:
218 data[key] = fc
220 sheng = []
221 for k, fc in data.items():
222 if np.max(np.abs(fc)) < fc_tol:
223 continue
224 offset_1 = k[3:6]
225 pos_1 =, prim.cell)
226 offset_2 = k[6:9]
227 pos_2 =, prim.cell)
228 entry = _ShengEntry(*k[:3], pos_1, pos_2, fc, offset_1, offset_2)
229 sheng.append(entry)
231 return sheng
234def _sheng_to_fcs(sheng, prim, supercell, symprec):
235 supercell_map = Supercell(supercell, prim, symprec)
236 fc_array = np.zeros((len(supercell),) * 3 + (3,) * 3)
237 mapped_clusters = np.zeros((len(supercell),) * 3, dtype=bool)
239 for atom in supercell_map:
240 i = atom.index
241 for entry in sheng:
242 if != entry.site_0: 242 ↛ 243line 242 didn't jump to line 243 because the condition on line 242 was never true
243 continue
244 j = supercell_map.index(entry.site_1, entry.offset_1 + atom.offset)
245 k = supercell_map.index(entry.site_2, entry.offset_2 + atom.offset)
246 ijk = (i, j, k)
247 if mapped_clusters[ijk]: 247 ↛ 248line 247 didn't jump to line 248 because the condition on line 247 was never true
248 raise Exception('Ambiguous force constant.'
249 ' Supercell is too small')
250 fc_array[ijk] = entry.fc
251 mapped_clusters[ijk] = True
253 fcs = hiphive.force_constants.ForceConstants.from_arrays(
254 supercell, fc3_array=fc_array)
255 return fcs