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226 statements  


2Contains the force constant modell (FCM) which handles cluster and force 

3constant information of a super cell object. 


5import math 

6import pickle 


8from typing import IO, Tuple, Union 


10import numpy as np 


12from ase import Atoms 

13from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, vstack 


15from .cluster_space import ClusterSpace 

16from .core.atoms import Atom, atom_to_spos, spos_to_atom 

17from .core.structure_alignment import align_supercell 

18from .core.orbits import Orbit, OrientationFamily 

19from .core.tensors import (rotation_to_cart_coord, 

20 rotate_tensor_precalc, rotation_tensor_as_matrix) 

21from .core.utilities import BiMap 

22from .force_constants import ForceConstants, SortedForceConstants 

23from .input_output.logging_tools import logger 

24from .calculators.numba_calc import (clusters_force_contribution, 

25 cluster_force_contribution) 


27logger = logger.getChild('fcm') 



30class ForceConstantModel: 

31 """Transfers a cluster space onto a super structure 


33 Contains the full description of all clusters and the force constants 

34 within a super cell with periodic boundary conditions. 


36 Parameters 

37 ---------- 

38 atoms 

39 configuration to which the cluster space is to be applied 

40 cs 

41 a cluster space compatible with the structure of the atoms 

42 """ 

43 def __init__(self, atoms: Atoms, cs: ClusterSpace): 


45 self.atoms = atoms.copy() 

46 self.orbits = [] 

47 self.cluster_list = BiMap() 

48 self.cs = cs 

49 self._populate_orbits(atoms) 


51 # TODO: refactor 

52 def _populate_orbits(self, atoms: Atoms): 

53 """Map the orbits from the underlying force constant potential onto the 

54 supercell structure associated with this force constant model. 


56 """ 

57 # TODO: Comment function 

58 atom_lookup = {} 

59 cs = self.cs 


61 aligned_super_cell, scR, _ = align_supercell( 

62 atoms, cs.primitive_structure, cs.symprec) 

63 sc = aligned_super_cell.copy() 

64 sc.cell = cs.primitive_structure.cell 

65 sc.pbc = False 

66 atom_list = BiMap() 

67 # TODO: fix this. see also 334d8572 

68 for spos in sc.get_scaled_positions(): 

69 atom_list.append(spos_to_atom(spos, cs.primitive_structure.basis, 

70 cs.symprec)) 

71 sorted_cluster_list = BiMap() 

72 if hasattr(cs, 'rotation_matrices'): 

73 rotations = [] 

74 for R in cs.rotation_matrices: 

75 rotations.append(rotation_to_cart_coord( 

76 R, cs.primitive_structure.cell)) 


78 def get_atom_index(atom): 

79 tupd_atom = (, *atom.offset) 

80 if tupd_atom in atom_lookup: 

81 return atom_lookup[tupd_atom] 

82 spos = atom_to_spos(atom, cs.primitive_structure.basis) 

83 pos =, cs.primitive_structure.cell) 

84 spos =, np.linalg.inv(aligned_super_cell.cell)) 

85 atom = spos_to_atom(spos, aligned_super_cell.basis, 

86 self.cs.symprec) 

87 atom_lookup[tupd_atom] = 

88 return 


90 def get_mapped_cluster(cluster, offset): 

91 new_cluster = [] 

92 for atom_index in cluster: 

93 atom = cs.atom_list[atom_index] 

94 translated_atom = Atom(, np.add(atom.offset, offset)) 

95 index = get_atom_index(translated_atom) 

96 new_cluster.append(index) 

97 return new_cluster 

98 logger.debug('Populating orbits') 

99 scR_tensormatrix_lookup = dict() 

100 R_inv_tensormatrix_lookup = dict() 

101 for orbit_index, orbit in enumerate(cs.orbits): 


103 new_orbit = Orbit() 

104 new_orbit.order = orbit.order 


106 scR_tensormatrix = scR_tensormatrix_lookup.get(orbit.order, None) 

107 if scR_tensormatrix is None: 

108 scR_tensormatrix = rotation_tensor_as_matrix(scR, orbit.order) 

109 scR_tensormatrix_lookup[orbit.order] = scR_tensormatrix 


111 if len(orbit.eigentensors) > 0: 

112 ets = [] 

113 for et in orbit.eigentensors: 

114 ets.append(rotate_tensor_precalc(et, scR_tensormatrix)) 

115 new_orbit.eigentensors = ets 

116 new_orbit.force_constant = np.zeros(ets[0].shape) 

117 else: 

118 new_orbit.force_constant = rotate_tensor_precalc( 

119 orbit.force_constant, scR_tensormatrix) 

120 cluster = cs.cluster_list[orbit.prototype_index] 

121 _, pos, counts = np.unique(np.array(cluster), 

122 return_index=True, return_counts=True) 

123 new_orbit.positions = pos 

124 prefactor = -1 /, counts))) 

125 new_orbit.prefactors = np.array([prefactor * c for c in counts]) 


127 for of in orbit.orientation_families: 


129 new_of = OrientationFamily() 

130 if len(orbit.eigentensors) > 0: 

131 R_inv_tensormatrix_index = (of.symmetry_index, orbit.order) 

132 R_inv_tensormatrix = \ 

133 R_inv_tensormatrix_lookup.get(R_inv_tensormatrix_index, 

134 None) 

135 if R_inv_tensormatrix is None: 

136 R_inv = rotations[of.symmetry_index].T 

137 R_inv_tensormatrix = rotation_tensor_as_matrix( 

138 R_inv, orbit.order) 

139 R_inv_tensormatrix_lookup[R_inv_tensormatrix_index] = \ 

140 R_inv_tensormatrix 

141 ets = [] 

142 for et in orbit.eigentensors: 

143 et_of = rotate_tensor_precalc(et, R_inv_tensormatrix) 

144 ets.append(rotate_tensor_precalc( 

145 et_of, scR_tensormatrix)) 

146 new_of.eigentensors = ets 

147 new_of.force_constant = np.zeros(ets[0].shape) 

148 else: 

149 new_of.force_constant = rotate_tensor_precalc( 

150 of.force_constant, scR_tensormatrix) 


152 cluster = cs.cluster_list[of.cluster_indices[0]] 

153 if isinstance(cs, ClusterSpace): 

154 perm = cs._permutations[of.permutation_indices[0]] 

155 cluster = [cluster[i] for i in np.argsort(perm)] 

156 for atom in atom_list: 

157 if not == cs.atom_list[cluster[0]].site: 

158 continue 

159 offset = atom.offset 

160 new_cluster = tuple(get_mapped_cluster(cluster, offset)) 

161 sorted_new_cluster = tuple(sorted(new_cluster)) 

162 if sorted_new_cluster in sorted_cluster_list: 162 ↛ 163line 162 didn't jump to line 163, because the condition on line 162 was never true

163 msg = f'Found cluster {sorted_new_cluster} in two orbits, decrease cutoff'\ 

164 ' (less than L/2) or increase supercell size.' 

165 raise Exception(msg) 

166 sorted_cluster_list.append(sorted_new_cluster) 

167 self.cluster_list.append(new_cluster) 

168 new_cluster_index = len(self.cluster_list) - 1 

169 new_of.cluster_indices.append(new_cluster_index) 

170 new_orbit.orientation_families.append(new_of) 

171 self.orbits.append(new_orbit) 


173 if isinstance(cs, ClusterSpace): 

174 self._parameters = np.zeros(self.cs.n_dofs) 


176 def get_force_constants(self) -> SortedForceConstants: 

177 """Returns the force constants of the super cell. 


179 Returns 

180 ------- 

181 force constants 

182 complete set of force constants 

183 """ 


185 fc_dict = dict() 

186 for orbit in self.orbits: 

187 for of in orbit.orientation_families: 

188 fc = of.force_constant.copy() 

189 for cluster_index in of.cluster_indices: 

190 cluster = self.cluster_list[cluster_index] 

191 perm = np.argsort(cluster) 

192 sorted_cluster = tuple(sorted(cluster)) 

193 fc_dict[sorted_cluster] = fc.transpose(perm) 

194 return SortedForceConstants(fc_dict, self.atoms) 


196 @property 

197 def parameters(self) -> np.ndarray: 

198 """ list(float): parameters """ 

199 return self._parameters 


201 @parameters.setter 

202 def parameters(self, parameters: np.ndarray) -> None: 

203 self._parameters = parameters 

204 mapped_parameters = self.cs._map_parameters(parameters) 

205 p = 0 

206 for orb in self.orbits: 

207 fc_is_zero = np.allclose(orb.force_constant, 0) 

208 params_is_zero = np.allclose( 

209 mapped_parameters[p: p+len(orb.eigentensors)], 0) 

210 if fc_is_zero and params_is_zero: 

211 p += len(orb.eigentensors) 

212 continue 

213 orb.force_constant *= 0 

214 if not params_is_zero: 214 ↛ 217line 214 didn't jump to line 217, because the condition on line 214 was never false

215 for et, a in zip(orb.eigentensors, mapped_parameters[p:]): 

216 orb.force_constant += et * a 

217 for of in orb.orientation_families: 

218 of.force_constant *= 0 

219 if not params_is_zero: 219 ↛ 217line 219 didn't jump to line 217, because the condition on line 219 was never false

220 for et, a in zip(of.eigentensors, mapped_parameters[p:]): 

221 of.force_constant += et * a 

222 p += len(orb.eigentensors) 


224 def get_forces(self, displacements: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: 

225 """ Returns the forces in the system given displacements. 


227 The parameters of the model must be set to get any result. 


229 Parameters 

230 ---------- 

231 displacements 

232 displacements of each atom in the supercell (`N, 3` array) 

233 """ 

234 F = np.zeros(displacements.shape) 

235 f = np.zeros(3) 

236 for orbit in self.orbits: 

237 if np.allclose(orbit.force_constant, 0): 237 ↛ 238line 237 didn't jump to line 238, because the condition on line 237 was never true

238 continue 

239 order = orbit.order 

240 positions = orbit.positions 

241 prefactors = orbit.prefactors 

242 for of in orbit.orientation_families: 

243 fc = of.force_constant.flatten() 

244 fc_tmp = fc.copy() 


246 for cluster_index in of.cluster_indices: 

247 cluster = self.cluster_list[cluster_index] 

248 cluster_force_contribution( 

249 positions, prefactors, len(prefactors), 

250 fc_tmp, fc, order, 

251 displacements, 

252 cluster, f, F) 

253 return F 


255 def get_fit_matrix(self, displacements: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: 

256 """ Returns the matrix used to fit the parameters. 


258 Represents the linear relation between the parameters and the forces. 


260 Parameters 

261 ---------- 

262 displacements 

263 displacements of each atom in the supercell (`(N, 3)` array) 

264 """ 


266 F = np.zeros(displacements.shape) 

267 f = np.zeros(3) 

268 M = np.zeros((F.size, self.cs._cvs.shape[0])) 

269 et_index = 0 

270 for orbit in self.orbits: 

271 fc_tmp = np.zeros(3**orbit.order) 

272 for of in orbit.orientation_families: 

273 clusters = np.zeros((len(of.cluster_indices), orbit.order), 

274 dtype=np.int64) 

275 for i, cluster_index in enumerate(of.cluster_indices): 

276 clusters[i] = self.cluster_list[cluster_index] 

277 for i, et in enumerate(of.eigentensors): 

278 F[:] = 0 

279 clusters_force_contribution(orbit.positions, 

280 orbit.prefactors, 

281 len(orbit.prefactors), 

282 fc_tmp, 

283 et.ravel(), 

284 orbit.order, 

285 displacements, 

286 clusters, f, F) 

287 M[:, et_index + i] += F.flat 

288 et_index += len(orbit.eigentensors) 

289 M = 

290 return M 


292 def get_energy_fit_vector(self, fit_matrix, displacements): 

293 """ Returns the energy fit vector. 


295 The vector represents the linear relation between the parameters and the energy of 

296 the structure. 


298 Parameters 

299 ---------- 

300 fit_matrix 

301 fit_matrix for the given supercell, can be obtained by fcm.get_fit_matrx() 

302 displacements 

303 displacements of each atom in the supercell (`(N, 3)` array) 

304 """ 

305 energy_row = np.zeros(fit_matrix.shape[1]) 

306 for order in self.cs.cutoffs.orders: 

307 params = self.cs.get_parameter_indices(order) 

308 M = fit_matrix[:, params] 

309 M = - (M.T * displacements.ravel()).T / order 

310 energy_row[params] = M.sum(axis=0) 

311 return energy_row 


313 def get_fcs_sensing(self, 

314 fcs: ForceConstants, 

315 sparse: bool = False) \ 

316 -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[coo_matrix, np.ndarray]]: 

317 """ Creates a fit matrix from force constants directly. 


319 If the underlying cluster space can completely span the force constants 

320 the correct parameters should be recovered. The method assumes that the 

321 force constants obey crystal, lattice and label symmetries and will 

322 naively incorporate only one force constant per orbit into the sensing 

323 matrix. 


325 The parameters can be extracted using e.g. least squares from numpy:: 


327 parameters = np.linalg.lstsq(*fcm.get_fcs_sensing(fcs))[0] 


329 Parameters 

330 ---------- 

331 fcs 

332 force constants that are compatible with the ideal structure of the model 


334 Returns 

335 ------- 

336 a tuple comprising the sensing matrix and the flattened, irreducible force constants 

337 """ 

338 M, F = [], [] 

339 et_index = 0 

340 n_parameters = self.cs._cvs.shape[0] 

341 for oi, orbit in enumerate(self.orbits): 

342 cluster = self.cluster_list[orbit.prototype_index] 

343 fc = fcs[cluster].ravel() 

344 row, col, data = [], [], [] 

345 for i, et in enumerate(orbit.eigentensors): 

346 for r, d in enumerate(et.flat): 

347 row.append(r) 

348 col.append(et_index + i) 

349 data.append(d) 

350 F.append(fc) 

351 m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3**orbit.order, n_parameters)) 

352 M.append(m) 

353 et_index += len(orbit.eigentensors) 

354 M = vstack(M) 

355 M = 

356 if not sparse: 

357 M = M.toarray() 

358 F = np.concatenate(F) 

359 return M, F 


361 @staticmethod 

362 def read(f: Union[str, IO]): 

363 """Reads a force constant model from file. 


365 Parameters 

366 ---------- 

367 f 

368 name of input file (`str`) or stream to load from (`IO`) 


370 Returns 

371 ------- 

372 the force constant model object as stored in the file 

373 """ 

374 if isinstance(f, str): 

375 with open(f, 'rb') as fobj: 

376 return pickle.load(fobj) 

377 else: 

378 return pickle.load(f) 


380 def write(self, f: Union[str, IO]) -> None: 

381 """Writes a force constant model to file. 


383 Parameters 

384 ---------- 

385 f 

386 name of input file (`str`) or stream to write to (`IO`) 

387 """ 

388 if isinstance(f, str): 

389 with open(f, 'wb') as fobj: 

390 pickle.dump(self, fobj) 

391 else: 

392 pickle.dump(self, f)