Module for generating rattled structures. Rattle refers to displacing atoms
with a normal distribution with zero mean and some standard deviation.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList
def generate_rattled_structures(atoms, n_structures, rattle_std, seed=42):
"""Returns list of rattled configurations.
Displacements are drawn from normal distributions for each
Cartesian directions for each atom independently.
Repeatedly calling this function *without* providing different
seeds will yield identical or correlated results. To avoid this
behavior it is recommended to specify a different seed for each
call to this function.
atoms : ase.Atoms
prototype structure
n_structures : int
number of structures to generate
rattle_std : float
rattle amplitude (standard deviation of the normal distribution)
seed : int
seed for setting up NumPy random state from which random numbers are
list of ase.Atoms
generated structures
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
N = len(atoms)
atoms_list = []
for _ in range(n_structures):
atoms_tmp = atoms.copy()
displacements = rs.normal(0.0, rattle_std, (N, 3))
atoms_tmp.positions += displacements
return atoms_list
def generate_mc_rattled_structures(atoms, n_structures, rattle_std, d_min,
seed=42, **kwargs):
"""Returns list of Monte Carlo rattled configurations.
Rattling atom `i` is carried out as a Monte Carlo move that is
accepted with a probability determined from the minimum
interatomic distance :math:`d_{ij}`. If :math:`\\min(d_{ij})` is
smaller than :math:`d_{min}` the move is only accepted with a low
This process is repeated for each atom a number of times meaning
the magnitude of the final displacements is not *directly*
connected to `rattle_std`.
Repeatedly calling this function *without* providing different
seeds will yield identical or correlated results. To avoid this
behavior it is recommended to specify a different seed for each
call to this function.
The procedure implemented here might not generate a symmetric
distribution for the displacements `kwargs` will be forwarded to
`mc_rattle` (see user guide for a detailed explanation)
The displacements generated will roughly be n_iter**0.5 * rattle_std
for small values of n_iter
atoms : ase.Atoms
prototype structure
n_structures : int
number of structures to generate
rattle_std : float
rattle amplitude (standard deviation in normal distribution);
note this value is not connected to the final
average displacement for the structures
d_min : float
interatomic distance used for computing the probability for each rattle
seed : int
seed for setting up NumPy random state from which random numbers are
n_iter : int
number of Monte Carlo cycles (iterations), larger number of iterations will
generate larger displacements (defaults to 10)
list of ase.Atoms
generated structures
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
atoms_list = []
for _ in range(n_structures):
atoms_tmp = atoms.copy()
seed = rs.randint(1, 1000000000)
displacements = mc_rattle(atoms_tmp, rattle_std, d_min, seed=seed, **kwargs)
atoms_tmp.positions += displacements
return atoms_list
def _probability_mc_rattle(d, d_min, width):
""" Monte Carlo probability function as an error function.
d_min : float
center value for the error function
width : float
width of error function
return (erf((d-d_min)/width) + 1.0) / 2
def mc_rattle(atoms, rattle_std, d_min, width=0.1, n_iter=10, max_attempts=5000,
max_disp=2.0, active_atoms=None, nbr_cutoff=None, seed=42):
"""Generate displacements using the Monte Carlo rattle method
atoms : ase.Atoms
prototype structure
rattle_std : float
rattle amplitude (standard deviation in normal distribution)
d_min : float
interatomic distance used for computing the probability for each rattle
move. Center position of the error function
width : float
width of the error function
n_iter : int
number of Monte Carlo cycle
max_disp : float
rattle moves that yields a displacement larger than max_disp will
always be rejected. This rarley occurs and is more used as a safety net
for not generating structures where two or more have swapped positions.
max_attempts : int
limit for how many attempted rattle moves are allowed a single atom;
if this limit is reached an `Exception` is raised.
active_atoms : list
list of which atomic indices should undergo Monte Carlo rattling
nbr_cutoff : float
The cutoff used to construct the neighborlist used for checking
interatomic distances, defaults to 2 * d_min
seed : int
seed for setting up NumPy random state from which random numbers are
atomic displacements (`Nx3`)
# setup
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
if nbr_cutoff is None:
nbr_cutoff = 2 * d_min
if active_atoms is None:
active_atoms = range(len(atoms))
atoms_rattle = atoms.copy()
reference_positions = atoms_rattle.get_positions()
nbr_list = NeighborList([nbr_cutoff/2]*len(atoms_rattle), skin=0.0,
self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
# run Monte Carlo
for _ in range(n_iter):
for i in active_atoms:
i_nbrs = np.setdiff1d(nbr_list.get_neighbors(i)[0], [i])
for n in range(max_attempts):
# generate displacement
delta_disp = rs.normal(0.0, rattle_std, 3)
atoms_rattle.positions[i] += delta_disp
disp_i = atoms_rattle.positions[i] - reference_positions[i]
# if total displacement of atom is greater than max_disp, then reject delta_disp
if np.linalg.norm(disp_i) > max_disp:
# revert delta_disp
atoms_rattle[i].position -= delta_disp
# compute min distance
if len(i_nbrs) == 0:
min_distance = np.inf
min_distance = np.min(atoms_rattle.get_distances(i, i_nbrs, mic=True))
# accept or reject delta_disp
if _probability_mc_rattle(min_distance, d_min, width) > rs.rand():
# accept delta_disp
# revert delta_disp
atoms_rattle[i].position -= delta_disp
raise Exception(f'Exceeded the maximum number of attempts for atom {i}')
displacements = atoms_rattle.positions - reference_positions
return displacements