Source code for hiphive.input_output.logging_tools

""" This module contains functions and variables to control hiPhive's logging

* `logger` - the module logger
* set_config - function to control level and logfile

import logging
import sys
from timeit import default_timer as timer

# This is the root logger of hiPhive
logger = logging.getLogger('hiphive')

# Will process all levels of INFO or higher

# If you know what you are doing you may set this to True
logger.propagate = False

# The hiPhive logger will collect events from childs and the default behaviour
# is to print it directly to stdout
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

continuous_logging = False

# TODO: use Context management protocol instead
[docs] class Progress: """ Progress bar like functionality. """ def __init__(self, tot=None, mode='frac', estimate_remaining=True): if tot is None: self._tot = '?' assert not estimate_remaining else: self._tot = tot self._progress = 0 self._estimate_remaining = estimate_remaining self._last_update = 0 self._start = timer()
[docs] def tick(self): self._progress += 1 delta = timer() - self._last_update if continuous_logging and delta > 2: self._last_update = timer() print('\r' + ' ' * 70 + '\r', end='', flush=True) print('{}/{}={:.3%}'.format(self._progress, self._tot, self._progress/self._tot), end='', flush=True) if self._estimate_remaining and self._tot != '?': remaining_time = (self._tot - self._progress) * ( timer() - self._start) / self._progress print(' time remaining: {:.3}'.format(remaining_time), end='', flush=True)
[docs] def close(self): if continuous_logging: print('\r' + ' ' * 70 + '\r', end='', flush=True) s = timer() - self._start d, remainder = divmod(s, 60*60*24) h, remainder = divmod(remainder, 60*60) m, s = divmod(remainder, 60)'Done in {}d {}h {}m {:.3}s' .format(int(d), int(h), int(m), s))
[docs] def set_config(filename=None, level=None, continuous=None): """ Alters the way logging is handled. Parameters ---------- filename : str name of file the log should be sent to level : int verbosity level; see `Python logging library <>`_ for details continuous : bool if True the progress will be continously updated """ # If a filename is provided a logfile will be created if filename is not None: fh = logging.FileHandler(filename) logger.addHandler(fh) if level is not None: logger.setLevel(level) if continuous is not None: global continuous_logging continuous_logging = continuous