Source code for hiphive.core.rotational_constraints

Functionality for enforcing rotational sum rules
import numpy as np
from typing import List
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, lil_matrix
from ..cluster_space import ClusterSpace

[docs] def enforce_rotational_sum_rules(cs: ClusterSpace, parameters: np.ndarray, sum_rules: List[str] = None, alpha: float = 1e-6, **ridge_kwargs: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Enforces rotational sum rules by projecting parameters. Note ---- The interface to this function might change in future releases. Parameters ---------- cs the underlying cluster space parameters parameters to be constrained sum_rules type of sum rules to enforce; possible values: 'Huang', 'Born-Huang' alpha hyperparameter to the ridge regression algorithm; keyword argument passed to the optimizer; larger values specify stronger regularization, i.e., less correction but higher stability [default: 1e-6] ridge_kwargs kwargs to be passed to sklearn Ridge Returns ------- numpy.ndarray constrained parameters Examples -------- The rotational sum rules can be enforced to the parameters before constructing a force constant potential as illustrated by the following snippet:: cs = ClusterSpace(reference_structure, cutoffs) sc = StructureContainer(cs) # add structures to structure container opt = Optimizer(sc.get_fit_data()) opt.train() new_params = enforce_rotational_sum_rules(cs, opt.parameters, sum_rules=['Huang', 'Born-Huang']) fcp = ForceConstantPotential(cs, new_params) """ all_sum_rules = ['Huang', 'Born-Huang'] # setup parameters = parameters.copy() if sum_rules is None: sum_rules = all_sum_rules # get constraint-matrix M = get_rotational_constraint_matrix(cs, sum_rules) # before fit d = delta = np.linalg.norm(d) print('Rotational sum-rules before, ||Ax|| = {:20.15f}'.format(delta)) # fitting ridge = Ridge(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False, solver='sparse_cg', **ridge_kwargs), d) parameters -= ridge.coef_ # after fit d = delta = np.linalg.norm(d) print('Rotational sum-rules after, ||Ax|| = {:20.15f}'.format(delta)) return parameters
[docs] def get_rotational_constraint_matrix(cs, sum_rules=None): all_sum_rules = ['Huang', 'Born-Huang'] if sum_rules is None: sum_rules = all_sum_rules # setup assert len(sum_rules) > 0 for s in sum_rules: if s not in all_sum_rules: raise ValueError('Sum rule {} not allowed, select from {}'.format(s, all_sum_rules)) # make orbit-parameter index map params = _get_orbit_parameter_map(cs) lookup = _get_fc_lookup(cs) # append the sum rule matrices Ms = [] args = (lookup, params, cs.atom_list, cs._prim) for sum_rule in sum_rules: if sum_rule == 'Huang': Ms.append(_create_Huang_constraint(*args)) elif sum_rule == 'Born-Huang': Ms.append(_create_Born_Huang_constraint(*args)) # transform and stack matrices cvs_trans = cs._cvs for i, M in enumerate(Ms): M = M = M.toarray() Ms[i] = M return np.vstack(Ms)
def _get_orbit_parameter_map(cs): # make orbit-parameter index map params = [] n = 0 for orbit_index, orbit in enumerate(cs.orbits): n_params_in_orbit = len(orbit.eigentensors) params.append(list(range(n, n + n_params_in_orbit))) n += n_params_in_orbit return params def _get_fc_lookup(cs): # create lookuptable for force constants lookup = {} for orbit_index, orbit in enumerate(cs.orbits): for of in orbit.orientation_families: for cluster_index, perm_index in zip(of.cluster_indices, of.permutation_indices): cluster = cs._cluster_list[cluster_index] perm = cs._permutations[perm_index] lookup[tuple(cluster)] = [et.transpose(perm) for et in of.eigentensors], orbit_index return lookup def _create_Huang_constraint(lookup, parameter_map, atom_list, prim): m = np.zeros((parameter_map[-1][-1] + 1, 3**4)) def R(i, j): pi = atom_list[i].pos(prim.basis, prim.cell) pj = atom_list[j].pos(prim.basis, prim.cell) return pi - pj for i in range(len(prim)): for j in range(len(atom_list)): ets, orbit_index = lookup.get(tuple(sorted((i, j))), (None, None)) if ets is None: continue inv_perm = np.argsort(np.argsort((i, j))) et_indices = parameter_map[orbit_index] for et, et_index in zip(ets, et_indices): et = et.transpose(inv_perm) Rij = R(i, j) Cij = np.einsum(et, [0, 1], Rij, [2], Rij, [3]) Cij -= Cij.transpose([2, 3, 0, 1]) m[et_index] += Cij.flat m = coo_matrix(m.transpose()) return m def _create_Born_Huang_constraint(lookup, parameter_map, atom_list, prim): # Use scipy list-of-lists sparse matrix for good tradeoff between # restructuring, indexing/slicing and memory footprint M = lil_matrix((len(prim) * 3**3, parameter_map[-1][-1] + 1)) for i in range(len(prim)): # Use smaller numpy arrays for speedy arithmetic m = np.zeros((parameter_map[-1][-1] + 1, 3**3)) for j in range(len(atom_list)): ets, orbit_index = lookup.get(tuple(sorted((i, j))), (None, None)) if ets is None: continue inv_perm = np.argsort(np.argsort((i, j))) et_indices = parameter_map[orbit_index] R = atom_list[j].pos(prim.basis, prim.cell) for et, et_index in zip(ets, et_indices): et = et.transpose(inv_perm) tmp = np.einsum(et, [0, 1], R, [2]) tmp -= tmp.transpose([0, 2, 1]) m[et_index] += tmp.flat M[i*3**3:(i+1)*3**3, :] = m.transpose() # Convert lil_matrix to coo_matrix return M.tocoo()