Contains the Orbit class which hold onformation about equivalent clusters.
import numpy as np
import tarfile
import pickle
from .utilities import BiMap
from .atoms import Atom
from ..input_output.logging_tools import logger
from ..input_output.read_write_files import add_items_to_tarfile_pickle, read_items_pickle
logger = logger.getChild('orbits')
# This is the interface accessible for cluster_space
def get_orbits(cluster_list, atom_list, rotation_matrices, translation_vectors,
permutations, prim, symprec):
"""Generate a list of the orbits for the clusters in a supercell
This method requires as input a list of the clusters in a supercell
configuration as well as a set of symmetry operations (rotations and
translations). From this information it will generate a list of the orbits,
i.e. the set of symmetry inequivalent clusters each associated with its
respective set of equivalent clusters.
cluster_list : BiMap object
a list of clusters
atom_list : BiMap object
a list of atoms in a supercell
rotation_matrices : list of NumPy (3,3) arrays
rotational symmetries to be imposed (e.g., from spglib)
translation_vectors : list of NumPy (3) arrays
translational symmetries to be imposed (e.g., from spglib)
permutations : list of permutations
lookup table for permutations
prim : hiPhive Atoms object
primitive structure
list of Orbits objs
orbits associated with the list of input clusters
logger.debug('Preparing input...')
atoms = prepare_atoms(atom_list)
clusters = prepare_clusters(cluster_list)
rotations = prepare_rotations(rotation_matrices)
translations = prepare_translations(translation_vectors)
permutations = prepare_permutations(permutations)
cell = prim.cell
basis = prim.basis
logger.debug('Creating permutation map...')
permutation_map, extended_atoms = \
get_permutation_map(atoms, rotations, translations, basis, symprec)
logger.debug('Creating orbits...')
orbits = _get_orbits(permutation_map, extended_atoms, clusters, basis,
cell, rotations, permutations)
return orbits
# All prepares are in case we changes some interface stuff
def prepare_permutations(permutations):
perms = BiMap()
for p in permutations:
return perms
def prepare_atoms(atom_list):
atoms = BiMap()
for atom in atom_list:
return atoms
def prepare_clusters(cluster_list):
clusters = BiMap()
for cluster in cluster_list:
return clusters
def prepare_rotations(rotation_matrices):
return rotation_matrices
def prepare_translations(translation_vectors):
return translation_vectors
def get_permutation_map(atoms, rotations, translations, basis, symprec):
extended_atoms = atoms.copy()
permutation_map = np.zeros((len(atoms), len(rotations)), dtype=int)
scaled_positions = [atom.spos(basis) for atom in extended_atoms]
for sym_index, (R, T) in enumerate(zip(rotations, translations)):
for atom_index, spos in enumerate(scaled_positions):
new_spos = np.dot(R, spos) + T
new_atom = Atom.spos_to_atom(new_spos, basis, symprec)
if new_atom not in extended_atoms:
mapped_atom_index = extended_atoms.index(new_atom)
permutation_map[atom_index, sym_index] = mapped_atom_index
return permutation_map, extended_atoms
# The internal function doing the outer loop over orbits
def _get_orbits(permutation_map, extended_atoms, clusters,
basis, cell,
rotations, permutations):
cluster_is_found = [False] * len(clusters)
orbits = []
for cluster_index, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
if cluster_is_found[cluster_index]:
orbit = Orbit()
cluster_atoms = [extended_atoms[i] for i in cluster]
positions = [atom.pos(basis, cell) for atom in cluster_atoms]
orbit.radius = get_geometrical_radius(positions)
orbit.maximum_distance = get_maximum_distance(positions)
orbit.order = len(cluster)
populate_orbit(orbit, permutations, clusters,
permutation_map, extended_atoms,
# bar.tick()
return orbits
# Takes a cluster and generates all equivalent, translated clusters
def generate_translated_clusters(cluster, extended_atoms):
transformed_cluster_atoms = [extended_atoms[i] for i in cluster]
tested_offsets = set()
for atom in transformed_cluster_atoms:
offset = atom.offset
if offset in tested_offsets:
translated_cluster = []
for atom in transformed_cluster_atoms:
new_offset = np.subtract(atom.offset, offset)
new_atom = Atom(atom.site, new_offset)
yield tuple(translated_cluster)
# Here is the actual categorization
def populate_orbit(orbit, permutations, clusters,
permutation_map, extended_atoms,
for sym_index in range(permutation_map.shape[1]):
of = OrientationFamily(sym_index)
transformed_cluster = permutation_map[cluster, sym_index]
for translated_cluster in generate_translated_clusters(
transformed_cluster, extended_atoms):
argsort = tuple(np.argsort(translated_cluster))
perm_index = permutations.index(argsort)
translated_cluster = tuple(sorted(translated_cluster))
translated_cluster_index = clusters.index(translated_cluster)
if cluster == translated_cluster:
if (sym_index, perm_index) not in orbit.eigensymmetries:
orbit.eigensymmetries.append((sym_index, perm_index))
if not cluster_is_found[translated_cluster_index]:
cluster_is_found[translated_cluster_index] = True
if len(of.cluster_indices) > 0:
return orbit
class Orbit:
This class serves as a container for storing data pertaining to an orbit.
orientation_families : list of OrientationFamily objs
orientation families of the orbit
eigensymmetries : list of tuples
each eigensymmetry corresponds to a pair where the first index
is the symmetry and the second is the permutation
eigentensors : list(numpy.ndarray)
decomposition of the force constant into symmetry elements
# TODO: Make properties of the parameters
def __init__(self):
self.orientation_families = []
self.eigensymmetries = []
self.eigentensors = []
self.radius = None
self.order = None
self.maximum_distance = None
def prototype_index(self):
"""int : index of cluster that serves as prototype for this orbit
In the code the first symmetry is always the identity so the first
orientation family should always correspond to the prototype"""
return self.orientation_families[0].cluster_indices[0]
def write(self, f):
"""Write a Orbit instance to a file.
f : str or file object
name of input file (str) or stream to write to (file object)
tar_file = tarfile.open(mode='w', fileobj=f)
# add all available attributes
add_items_to_tarfile_pickle(tar_file, self.__dict__, 'attributes')
def read(f):
"""Load a ClusterSpace from file
f : string or file object
name of input file (string) or stream to load from (file object)
orb = Orbit()
tar_file = tarfile.open(mode='r', fileobj=f)
# read attributes pickle
attributes = read_items_pickle(tar_file, 'attributes')
for name, value in attributes.items():
orb.__setattr__(name, value)
return orb
class OrientationFamily:
"""A container for storing information for a "family of orientations".
An orbit contains many clusters. Some of the clusters can be tranlsated
onto each other and other must first be rotated. A set of clusters in the
orbit which can all be translated onto each other are oriented in the same
way and belongs to the same orientation family. The family is haracterized
by the symmetry (rotation) which relates it to the prototype structure of
the orbit.
Since the clusters are generally stored sorted the permutation information
must also be stored.
symmetry_index : int
The index of the symmetry corresponding to spglibs symmetry
symmetry_index : int
The index of the symmetry corresponding to spglibs symmetry
cluster_indices : list of ints
The indices of the clusters belonging to this family
permutation_indices : list of ints
The indices of the permutation vector
def __init__(self, symmetry_index=None):
self.symmetry_index = symmetry_index
self.cluster_indices = []
self.permutation_indices = []
def write(self, f):
""" Write the object to file.
f : str or file object
name of input file (str) or stream to write to (file object)
pickle.dump(self, f)
def read(f):
"""Load a OrientationFamily object from a pickle file.
f : str or file object
name of input file (str) or stream to load from (file object)
OrientationFamily object
return pickle.load(f)
def get_geometrical_radius(positions):
"""Compute the geometrical size of a 3-dimensional point cloud. The
geometrical size is defined as the average distance to the geometric
positions : list of 3-dimensional vectors
positions of points in cloud
geometric size of point cloud
geometric_center = np.mean(positions, axis=0)
return np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((positions - geometric_center)**2, axis=1)))
def get_maximum_distance(positions):
"""Compute the maximum distance between any two points in a 3-dimensional
point cloud. This is equivalent to the "size" criterion used when imposing
a certain (pair) cutoff criterion during construction of a set of clusters.
positions : list of 3-dimensional vectors
positions of points in cloud
maximum distance betwee any two points
if len(positions) == 0:
return 0.0
max_distance = 0.0
for pt1 in positions[:-1]:
for pt2 in positions[1:]:
max_distance = max(max_distance, np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2))
return max_distance